



Park Square Theatre has served nearly one million audiences in its 50 year history. Newly merged with SteppingStone, we have introduced nearly one million young people to theatre in our combined 80 years of service.

Your gift today will help save Park Square and SteppingStone Theatre. Help us meet our $100,000 matching goal! Please consider making a charitable contribution to support your theatre for life.

Other Ways to Give!

Donor Advised Funds or IRA Distribution

Don’t forget to include Park Square Theatre in your Donor Advised Funds or IRA Distributions! The theatre is a 501(c)3 and your donation today is completely tax-deductible.

Interested in making a Gift of Stock?

When you donate your appreciated stocks or securities to Park Square, you can save expensive capital gains taxes. If you’d like to make a gift of stock, please let us know by contacting

Your broker can transfer stock electronically to our account with the following information:

Park Square Tax ID: 41-1280683

Brokerage firm: RBC Wealth Management DTC#0235 / Acct# 30680803

Broker: Dan Schlesinger 651.228.6930

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